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100+ projects/modules implemented

If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable


If I’d had some set idea of a finish line, don’t you think I would have crossed it years ago?

Bill Gates

15 year anniversary in 2016

Do your timesheets if you ever want to see your paycheck again


The office holiday party is a great place to meet everyone you’ve been emailing from 4 feet away


May your morning coffee give you the strength to make it to your mid-morning coffee


If anyone ever tells you that you spend too much time reading, stop talking to them. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life


Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive

Andrew S. Grove

There’s nothing so stable as change

Bob Dylan

11 million items created per year

If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?

Albert Einstein

TenForce works in 5 Different Timezones

Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do

Edgar Degas

+56K active users

Candy is nature’s way of making up for Mondays

Rebecca Gober

Privacy Preference Center

Always Active

These cookies are needed to provide basic functionalities as you browse around the TenForce website. These capabilities include cookie preferences, load balancing, session management, language selection and checkout processes. These cookies ensure the site is performing the requested task and collect data for audit purposes. The information that is collected is aggregated for analysis.

Example Functionality Allowed
  • Enable cookie consent collection and enforcement Remember log-in to provide secure transactions across web pages, provide secure log-in, cloud systems management, authentication, load balancing, user interface language/font preferences and single sign-on
  • Keep track of the user's input while filling online forms, shopping carts for the duration of the session or for up to 24 hours after the session
  • Remember your transaction progress for the duration of the session
  • Multimedia content player cookies, used to store technical data to playback video or audio content, for the duration of a session
  • Third‑party social plugin for sharing logged‑in state for members of a social network.
Example Functionality NOT Allowed
  • Remember your log-in details
  • Remember what is in your shopping cart
  • Make sure the website looks consistent
  • Allow you to share pages with social networks
  • Allow you to post comments
  • Serve ads relevant to your interests

Functional Cookies

These cookies are used to capture and remember user preferences on the TenForce website for a longer period of time and enhance the usability of our websites or to pre-fill forms. The information is aggregated for analysis for anonymous users, but if you sign-in, we keep the data provided to perform the functions requested. Additionally, we use data to enable social interactions and site optimization.

Example Functionality Allowed
  • Enable cookie consent collection and enforcement
  • Remember log-in to provide secure transactions across web pages, provide secure log-in, cloud systems management, authentication, load balancing, user interface language/font preferences and single sign-on
  • Keep track of the user's input while filling online forms, shopping carts for the duration of the session or for up to 24 hours after the session
  • Remember your transaction progress for the duration of the session
  • Multimedia content player cookies used to store technical data to playback video or audio content, for the duration of a session
  • Third‑party social plugin for sharing logged‑in state for members of a social network.
  • Remember your log-in details
  • Remember what is in your shopping cart
  • Make sure the website looks consistent
Example Functionality NOT Allowed
  • Allow you to share pages with social networks
  • Allow you to post comments
  • Serve ads relevant to your interests

Personalization Cookies

These cookies are used to improve the overall experience of your visit to the TenForce, by personalizing messaging based on browsing history, profile data, purchase history and improve our social media and paid media marketing campaigns. The data collected is aggregated for analysis for anonymous users, but if you sign-in, we keep the data provided to perform the functions requested.

Example Functionality Allowed
  • Enable cookie consent collection and enforcement
  • Remember log-in to provide secure transactions across web pages, provide secure log-in, cloud systems management, authentication, load balancing, user interface language/font preferences and single sign on
  • Keep track of the user's input while filling online forms, shopping carts for the duration of the session or for up to 24 hours after the session
  • Remember your transaction progress for the duration of the session
  • Multimedia content player cookies used to store technical data to playback video or audio content, for the duration of a session
  • Third‑party social plugin for sharing logged‑in state for members of a social network.
  • Remember your log-in details
  • Remember what is in your shopping cart
  • Make sure the website looks consistent
  • Allow you to share pages with social networks
  • Allow you to post comments
  • Serve ads relevant to your interests