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More than 60% of all incidents happen within the first 30 minutes of a shift because of poor or inaccurate shift handover.
As a leader – site, safety, shift, or production manager – you are faced with the challenging task of ensuring both worker safety and production efficiency.
The shift handover is critical to this mission. It relies on accurate, real-time communication and overlaps both people and process safety, but through its nature, it’s also the area most vulnerable to human error, miscommunication, and scattered information.
Production teams around the world struggle with the same set of familiar challenges:
- Critical events are not communicated efficiently to the right people and teams
- Alerting workers of ongoing activities during their shift is cumbersome or impossible
- Missing links and traceability between events and decrease in productivity (planned or unplanned downtimes)
- Shift handovers are inaccurate, incomplete, or not followed up on
- No history and traceability of who made edits to the shift handover (if digital), which impeded investigation if there’s an incident
- Pen & paper shift logs are illegible and untraceable.
- Multiple channels of communication with the teams, but no real-time communication
Join our webinar and learn how a digital Shift Management process solves the handover issues you’ve been struggling with for years. In 8 weeks or less.
12:00 – 12:15: Welcome & Intro
12:15 -12:45: Hands-on demo – How to automate all processes critical to a safe shift handover:
- Schedule shifts and create logs per Production Line.
- Electronically document shift events, observations, and roles.
- Plan, create and automatically assign actions and production recurring tasks.
- Electronically manage actions and instructions.
- Create and plan instructions per topic & area with predefined start- and end dates.
- Pre-filled morning or production meeting minutes, based upon events or previous shifts.
- Identify incomplete tasks and missed KPIs.
- Rule-based e-mail notifications and automated alerts.
…and more.
12:45-1:00: Q&A