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After a break of three years, join us again in real-life for our annual event dedicated to you, the TenForce users, clients, partners and friends.  

This year we will share with you the progress of our biggest R&D initiative AI-PROFICIENTan ambitious project aimed at applying AI, IIoT, and AR technology to improve plant productivity across the entire EU manufacturing and process industry.   


Hot news from TenForce: upgrades, new solutions, new features, and performance improvements we are already working on and the ones to come in the following year.


You will be able to choose and zoom into the topics and stories that appeal the most to you. Learn best practices from other TenForce clients, master new tricks in TenForce, tackle some loopholes and experience firsthand how innovative technology shapes your industry.



Some highlights:

  • Introduction to AI-PROFICIENT: AI for Improved Production Efficiency, Quality, and Maintenance 
  • Scaling an EHSQ System Across Your Organization – Challenges & Best Practice
  • Connected Worker – Using AI/ML and Extended Reality Interfaces on Factory Floor
  • Production Process Optimization through Quality Analysis Tools and Explainable AI 
  • TenForce Power User Workshop: Tips & Tricks 
  • The Lean Way to Digital Environment Management – Product Demo
  • Act on Safety Compliance Intelligence with Enhesa 
  • Anomaly Detection, Root Cause Analysis, and Reinforcement Learning

Take a look at our complete program and list of speakers.



Hot news from TenForce //  Client Stories & Product Demos // Delicious food & sparkling conversations

The future will be awesome and we have the proof. Give us one evening and we promise you’ll be going home feeling like you can change the world.




10.00 – 10.30: Welcome Coffee

10.30 – 11.00: Opening Keynote

11.00 – 12.30: Breakout Sessions

12:30 -13.30: Lunch

13:30 -15:30: Break-out sessions

15:30 – 16:00: Closing Remarks

Dea Pujić
Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Researcher
Benoit IUNG
University of Lorraine, Professor of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)
Michiel Scholberg
Enhesa, Strategic Alliances Manager
Julia Dubois
TenForce, COO
Alexander Vasylchenko
TenForce, Technical Project Manager
Uroš Milošević
TenForce, Head of Product & Innovation
Bram Maho
TenForce, EHSQ Solutions Engineer
Tobias Cap
TenForce, Safety Advisor
Jan Van den Nieuwenhof
TenForce, CEO
George Triantafyllou
Athens Technology Center,

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